Latest DAREDEVIL edition en francais from Panini France... AUCUN DIABLE, JUSTE UN DIEU by Zdarsky, Sharma, Fornes, Leisten, Tartaglia. Cover by Zdarsky. Contains issues

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1陣 PL 雪見さん ぜろさん

END 1にて終幕です〜〜〜!!!!たのしい!!たのしい!??? サイコーのバンドだったな....... Vive la France...(余韻)

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Since this Halloween (2020) wasn't possible in France...

I add Nanami Witch as Idea for Halloween 2021 😤

I'm dead... Liv.. I can understand Nanami 😂
This skin is really scary good

So cool to see your name in the translation

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Apparement, il y a du mouvement... et ça arrive en France...

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Landscape Painting of the town of Carhaix-Plouguer in north eastern France... a place otherwise known as Brittany (I think it's where Astrix was born* 🤔)

Breton StreetScene
oil on canvas ca.2012

*opinion not based in fact

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The Great Condé, brilliant French general 

Louis II de Bourbon, 4e prince de Condé, byname the Great Condé, (born Sept. 8, 1621, Paris, France—died Dec. 11, 1686, Fontainebleau), leader of the last of the series of aristocratic uprisings in France...

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French Revolution - Role of women

Historians since the late 20th century have debated how women shared in the French Revolution and what long-term impact it had on French women. Women had no political rights in pre-Revolutionary France...

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Le roi mérite une reconnaissance unanime en France....

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I see London, I see France.....😉❤️
10/10 Photography LOL 😅😂

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Cardiff Docks (1894) is wonderful combination of industrialization, light, and smokestacks.

The capital of Wales is painted by the American artist Lionel Walden and on display in the capital of France...

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it’s a magazine that comes out twice monthly in France.... I think your best bet is to look on eBay if you want a specific issue… I’m sure you can find it just type in “Altaya Street Fighter”

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Même les italiens (en plus des américains) ont Can’t Fear Your Own World traduit officiellement. Et la France...?🤷🏾‍♂️

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Yuki Shimizu (Ze, Love Mode) fête ses 25 ans de carrière !
Pour l'occasion, de nouveaux goodies sont disponibles à Animate ! 💗

On attend toujours la publication de sa dernière série "Kachou Fuugetsu" en France... 😊

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Je n'ai lu que "Fleurs Bleues" de Takako Shimura, qui a été un énorme coup de cœur. Je me réjouis tellement de la voir de nouveau éditée en France... Depuis le temps que ses autres mangas me font de l'œil. 🙏

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Bientôt 50 jours de confinement et toujours aucun éditeur pour annoncer la sortie de l’integralité des œuvres de Daisuke Igarashi en France... ⬅️ son Twitter
Pourtant putain... Merde quoi , c’est fabuleux ! 1/5⬇️

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de David Lynch, avec un tout nouveau master HD, le 08 juillet en blu-ray en France... J'ai hâte!

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More enrichment in France...

Since the start of confinement following the Chinese coronavirus, tensions have erupted in the no-go-zone of Noisy-leGrand

Jihadi migrants refuse to quarantine & instead attack police and first responders - WHY Allow terrorists into our Countries?

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French Revolution - Role of women

Historians since the late 20th century have debated how women shared in the French Revolution and what long-term impact it had on French women. Women had no political rights in pre-Revolutionary France...

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The virus panic has reached France... As usual most of us joke about it with dark humor, when others panic, since our hospitals were on strike for months to get means to actually cure their patients before the crisis... Luckily enough, some have doctors nearby.

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"I see London, I see France...."
for !
trying to catch up on pending commissions!

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