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(30/3) Happy Birthday Megumi Hayashibara!🥳😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉
Happy Birhtday to Rei Ayanami & Yui Ikari since they share the same Birthday with Megumi!😍😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉

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箱絵描かせて頂きました 外伝 主役機イントルーダーゲイトの献品が千値練さんから届きました。ご配慮有難う御座います!。荒牧さんデザインによる40周年の新たなモスピーダ、連載に続き箱絵が描けて大変嬉しいです。店頭で通販でお見かけしましたら宜しくお願いします!。

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That was a fun weekend at Genesis X, thanks for all the commissions this weekend! It was awesome to see a lot of familar faces too!

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Genesis HE★VENS

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It's not a problem at all, it has been going on for decades.
We have games like Ys series or Lunar being remade multiple times.
Mario games get remade on SNES, Mega Man games got remade for Genesis.

It's a "problem" today because people started NOTICING about remakes.

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Sonic X was Neon Genesis Evangelion all along

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ヘッダーはThe Genesisのアートワーク

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Freedom,Genesis war

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Commissioned by Zumy:
1) Fatima and Terror, the Umbral Chevalier
2) Eternity, Genesis of Shadow
Thank you!

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Requested by GenesisEvoker. Some emotes as parodies of other images from the internet (last one is OC of the commissioner). Thank you very much! 🙇‍♂️🔪👁️⏱️

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Quick Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion

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(4/12) Happy Birthday and Asuka!😍😤🥰😊❤️💯❤️🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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chibi commission for Genesis🤎🌸

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Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of the main artworks of my next pack.

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た12b Moonlight Magicお品書き
新譜はBeastern StoryとLunatic Moonです!
The Genesisは手持ちで本当に最後なので秋例で売り切れたらBOOTHのCD通販は終了です!The Genesisに関しては再販しない予定なので物理で欲しい人はお早めに!」

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新世紀エヴァンゲリオン(Neon Genesis Evangelion)式波・惣流・アスカ(Asuka)、アルジャーノンに花束を(まごころを、君に)より

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からツールを使って に変換してみた結果。ただ変換しただけなので、これから要修正。

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