Young blackbird, not sure what life is all about yet.

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Today I painted a Great Tit with attitude. strange how something’s my work reflects my mood!

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Not really sure about this, I've been through 100s of variations of background colours & shapes. I think this is my favourite so far, but just haven't hit on the 'that's it' yet I don't think...

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A small oil painting of a Blue Tit from my garden. Wishing everyone a very Happy Weekend!

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There’s three song thrush chicks in the garden, with the parents busily hunting for food - I keep stepping on fragments of snail shells, which is good news for my seedlings (bad news for snails though!)

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A sparrowhawk flew over the garden; the jackdaws pursued her for quite a distance while the sparrows, sensibly, sat quietly hiding

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I'm really pleased so many people enjoyed the Song Thrush drawing I posted. Say hello to today's drawing of a lovely inquisitive Blue Tit, I've also attached some close up detail images to

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Here's my drawing of the Song Thrush with colour. I decided to draw a series of our most loved over the next couple of months (not doing much else) I find the process quite meditive and distracting as their song enters our house and I watch them through the window

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Today’s postcard is a busy little wren who is building a nest somewhere very close to our bathroom window. Wrens hold a special place in folklore in the UK which includes being crowned king of the birds!

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Collared Dove checks out the feeder

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