Today’s Marsh tit & willow tit are impossible to tell apart unless you listen to them singing. They look like coal tits but without the white stripe down the back of the neck

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Today’s is a fat little who is busy in the hedgerows & woods right now collecting hazelnuts & seeds to store in an underground chamber to feed on through the winter

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Down in the wet woodlands in amongst the willows & alders the marsh tits are looking their best right now

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It’s been a while since I posted a apologies so here is a marsh tit in some mistletoe because I thought it might help lift the mood as we all buckle & creek under the weight of covid &

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Today’s postcard
Signs of are everywhere now they lift my heart & I hope they lift yours too we are so lucky to have well defined seasons in the uk never long enough to really tire of so relish the long dark nights with a good book candles music

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The last of the apples hang in the trees like little golden suns while in the long damp grass where they fall bruised & sweet they wait for the Redwings & Fieldfares to discover their final purpose.

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I walk through the woods enjoying the soft smells of Autumn,leaf litter & wet moss, when I come across signs of a badgers freshly dug hole, once a bumblebee nest now just one or two dead or dying bees

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Today’s are the colours of Autumn that I found on my walk round the farm today Windfall apples, balls of lichen,hedges full of sloes & the first rose hips

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Today’s are the sloes that are swelling in the lichen swathed hedgerows now.

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Today’s is the Rook,still a work in progress,this sociable bird lives with others in a rookery I think it looks as if it’s buried it’s messy beak in a bowl of porridge.Often thought of as a rather ugly bird I rather like the way they look

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Is the (a member of the heron family)which nests in the trees down by the river that our stream feeds. I see a pair of them balancing on a branch a little awkwardly whereas at their watery feeding grounds they are grace personified

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Are the first hawthorn blossoms the first flush of asparagus & the fresh greening of the trees across our valley. It might be wet & cold for this time of year but June will burst with late growth fingers crossed! Wishing everyone a really great weekend

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Today’s is
the swallow
Not long now until they return
Nothing symbolises freedom & movement more to me than these migrant restless chattering beauties

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Today’s are the perfect little balls of lichen & mosses that fall from the trees after any strong winds

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Right now across the countryside wherever they might be the Hazel Dormice are fast asleep Hibernating the cold days of winter away tucked up snuggly in their nests woven from strips of honeysuckle bark Sweet dreams little dormice

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Today’s is the Badger! There is one coming at night to the bird feeders to eat the peanuts & the fat balls I haven’t seen it yet but I know it’s been because there was a large badger Poo waiting for me there this morning

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This little creature is called the although it can be seen flying from October to December I’m always amazed by those Denis Healey eyebrow antennas. It’s caterpillars feed on oaks & other deciduous trees

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Today’s is the fox who comes to our garden in winter to eat the fat balls I put out for the birds He is a handsome fellow & we don’t allow the local hunt on our land EVER!!!!

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Today’s are a pair of nuthatches who I haven’t seen for a while maybe the cold weather will bring them to the peanut feeder soon

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