Hey geologists! You've been silent lately. Too tired after ?
Let me cheer you up with one of my favorite photomicrographs, that has lovely colors but also lovely microstructures in it.

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Mark Sargent: "Volcanoes are created using manned underground furnaces to melt rock and pump it to the surface. They are not natural."

Flerfer: "Woah, that makes so much sense! The scientists must be insane!"

Geologists and people who understand how volcanoes work:

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John Joly wrote "Oldhamia antiqua" about how the world has changed in the context of deep time. John was one of the first geologists to suggest the Earth was much older than previously thought (he guessed 100 million years) using tests on ocean salt.

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Died February 22, 1875, Charles Lyell, the advocate of geology. His argument that the present geological forces can explain the past revolutionized He also popularized this young science & influenced generations of geologists, like Darwin https://t.co/ayl0PXt1lB

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A little humorous shout out to all female from the amazing 😜

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January 26, 1700, a hit Japan without warnings. Only 3 centuries later geologists discovered the story behind this "Orphan Tsunami", in part by listening to the story of "Thunderbird 🦅 & Whale 🐋" by the tribes living along the Cascade Range 🌋 https://t.co/0lp8eftOXT

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Merry Christmas - I was your Secret Santa for the exchange!

(I asked my partner what geologists did and he said “hold hammers next to things”. Google Image Search proved him right.)

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Thinking today about & geology as I look closely at ‘Strata’ with our Friends: “If only the Geologists would let me alone, I could do very well, but those dreadful Hammers! I hear the clink of them at the end of every cadence of the Bible verses.(36.115)”

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It’s all about wind & rocks. A morning of speed & swell left us a queasy yellow, & the rain stole the coast from our sights - now in Loch Glencoul sunny & calm. the geologists are filming, & our sketch books & notebooks are out.

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Hot Rocks: Artists Explore The Obsessiveness Of Mineral Collectors And Geologists https://t.co/dHwF4O4auR

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Everyones favorite Denobulan geologists!

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Geologists have recovered bits of Mauritia, a continent that vanished ~2 billion years ago. https://t.co/qNpTqy2soF

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Adam Sedgwick, tutor of Darwin, president, & one of the leading geologists of the 19C was born in 1785

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