Mnásome! We are so inspired by the submissions we received for the Schools Artivism Project for Check out these epic artworks by Mr O'Broin's 5th class Dublin 7

7 33 Eleanor of Provence was one of the most beautiful English queens--but she had brains too. A lover of family, Arthurian legend, books and gardens, she was one-time Regent of England in Henry III's reign. Novel in 1st person

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Nanette Fluhr is known for museum quality portraits and has accepted many commissions. Shown here, "A Lotus Grows in the Mud",, won a top award in the "HerStory" 2022 exhibition. Nanette earned her BFA with Honors from the School of Visual Arts in NYC.

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Holy Family with an Angel, before 1807, by (#AngelicaKauffman, Swiss, 1741-1807). Held by Museum of John Paul II Collection; source,

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Wiliwili, n.d., by (Scottish-born, 1842-1900), who died (Dec 29). Published in Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands, 1885. via ,

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On Nov 17, Edie Sedgwick's Original Horse Sketch (1961) sold at auction for US $30,000 (incl bp). The estimate had been US $2000+.

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Four rabbits in the snow, 1890s, by (British, 1866-1943), who died (Dec 22). Held by ,

Drawn to Nature is on at the through 8 January:

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On the Terrace at Sèvres, 1880, by (née Quivoron; French, 1840-1916), who was born (Dec 1). Held by ; source,

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Lathyrus Latifolius / Everlasting Pea, by (English, 1873-1961), who was born (Nov 27). Plate 210 of Addisonia, Vol 6 (1921). , via ,

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Opuntia spinosissima, by (British, 1860-1927), who died (Nov 25). Plate XXXVI, Britton & Rose The Cactaceae, 1919; source,

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