Old peice I had commissioned @/TodexShark to do of a horny Hellknight from D00M3 after it came out 😈🥴

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redraw old hellknight from this january

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houseki no kuni as twistedhellknight52 text posts

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Making tokens for my Hell's Rebels game and paused to wonder: should the token for Octavio Sabinus, Hellknight of the Torrent, have his helmet ON or OFF?
Then realized that in , I could use both (Alternate Actor Tokens).

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Hellknight Ingrid/魔界騎士イングリッド

40 136

Chaingunner Hellknight Revenant

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Before and after.
While I was quite happy with the original already, it is a lot more lo-fi looking than most of the other pictures in the series.
Also now a black background.

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I played the beta version of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and saw something beautiful. Who would have thought that the Hellknight would have such glamorous equipment ^^

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Here's the second collage of doom portraits. This marks me being 50% done with this huge project :D
A bit fewer muscle men this time, but I'm sure there's more of them to come.

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I dunno, Scorpion's "GET OVER HERE!" goes well with the Hell Knight too.

(Oh and credits for the reference go to Horikoshi-sensei of course.)

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the doom 3 hellknight is a hunk and the devs gave us a gift by making him :/

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First new art of the year and it's the OG beef boi of Doom.

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Finadar dragon Fruit Gourd Leshy Hellknight Paladin!

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At the request of : Retha (she/her), cavalier and Hellknight. Specializes in kicking ass, smiting chaos, trying to be a good influence on her brothers.

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Possession. I could have chosen the Baron, but Hellknight is my favorite. Hope you like it.

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Alrighty, here's my girl Donna (art by nakie faves) for position 1, but I don't know who to pick for position 2. How about a fucking Hellknight?

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Pathfinder society organized play in japan!(but VTT...)
S7-25「Orders from the Gate」
Pathfinders accompany with hellknightーorder of the Gate that going to punish homelands chaos.

Good battle,good roleplay, all soooooooo gooooooood

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A couple of quick little personal doodles: some characters inspired by the Adventure Path
Jarrak Wextran, he/him, human Asmodean Advocate Cleric
Cameya Salver, she/her, human Vindictive Bastard/Hellknight of the Godclaw

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