did a clean up on commando from series, gave him the legs of acolyte from and the boots from

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Someone on discord said "catboy archvile" and I knew in my heart, it had to be done.
It seemed funnier in my head though 😅

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First new art of the year and it's the OG beef boi of Doom.

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Been a while since I made some but since I've been playing all weekend I felt like making some, hopefully the first of many.
Used the patterns on his armor that are only seen in the

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Not posted any in a while but here is a new piece I've poked at on and off for a while. 320x200 pixels, which is the original games resolution. 64 colors ripped straight from palette.

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Another piece of now featuring
128x128 pixels, 46 colors
Not quite the quality of yesterdays piece, but atleast the is cute as always ;)

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Since I just made a new piece of today, I might as well post my oldest doom fanart, from way back in 2003. I actually made it as a secret santa for another guy that also loved Doom back on the old forums. 100x100 pixels, 16 colors

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Well I finally did it, some honest to Darwin of the best game there ever wuz!
128x128 pixels, 24 colors straight from the original Doom palette, which has no mixed colors so plenty brown and gray to unify stuff.

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