I think I started this picture like a year ago and all it took was a fourth party to bring it all together. Thanks Wychie.

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Lauren Alex Hooper is an autistic singer, songwriter and musician living in the UK. What's a day in her life like? https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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A Day in the Life of Lauren Alex Hooper, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Writer | Geek Club Books https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"And now that I’ve reached the point of releasing music, I hope that other people feel validated by [my songs.] I hope they feel less alone from hearing them." https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"Listen to autistic kids, in whatever way they communicate; believe them; be willing to advocate for them but help them learn how to advocate themselves (to a degree and at a pace they’re com... https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"It might be a big group or you might be able to count them on one hand but, in my experience, feeling understood is one of the most important feelings and it’s worth searching the world over... https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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Abby Brooke is an autistic woman living in Kenya who walks long distances, often hundreds or thousands of kilometers, to raise awareness and acceptance of autism. What's a day in her life like? https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"My 'Honest' EP has just surpassed 60k streams on Spotify, approximately six months after I finished the release cycle. For a first release—and an independent one—I’m really proud of that." https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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A Day in the Life of Abby Brooke, Autism Advocate, Long-Distance Walker | Geek Club Books https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"Music really is the big thing for me, not just writing it but listening to it and going to concerts. I really, really love it. But I also love writing for my blog and writing poetry." https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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A Day in the Life of Lauren Alex Hooper, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Writer | Geek Club Books Interview by Illustration by https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"My Mum and I had to fight every step of the way to get my diagnosis, to get support (something that’s had long term consequences on my mental health)." https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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Lauren uses her struggles with mental health and her autistic perspective to help craft her songs, creating work that would speak to her even if she hadn’t been the one to write it. https://t.co/9gBN16vUxx

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"I think with all experts, take from it what you will. Learn but don’t base everything on what the experts say. Think. We are all unique... embrace and encourage that!" https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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Lauren Alex Hooper is an autistic singer, songwriter and musician living in the UK. What's a day in her life like? https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"The main thing I hope people take away is that autism and disability are a valid part of the human existence. Acceptance, understanding, respect, and dignity are what we all need and deserve." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"I often remind young adults on the spectrum that there is always at least one thing that they can do that the people around them can’t do." https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx

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"Probably the most important advice I’d give is to reach out; don’t go it alone—it’s hard!! Reach out, find other people, be they online or in person." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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