Day 15 of the

Yeah... there’s a lot of words so I’ve put them in the pics 🤣

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“Here’s looking at you”. Day 15 of the s is to draw two portraits. One with your dominant hand, one with the least dominant hand. Can hardly tell the difference really.

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My slightly dotty attempt - a welcome end of the week glass🍷 (apologies to those doing dry January!)

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I used white paint and splashed onto black paper then using a pen and white paint joined the dots & created a

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tiny handbag with wobbly stitching. (It’s been a long day......)

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Post it note + scissors + folding = tree. I love the shadows it casts.

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Day 7 of the

Post it possibilities

‘We sometimes underestimate the influence of little things’ ~ Charles W. Chesnutt

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Day 4

Master of puppets

Yeeeee I didn’t know where I’d go with this and when I woke up this morning I sighed when I saw it was to make a puppet BUT. I DID IT AND I LOVE IT.

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This King Asgore's old foe is one monster villain lord named Evander, because he know who ruled human banished him and his folks to underground of Ebbot mountains and hired the world.

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I didn’t need to do a colour switch, Mother Nature was onto it already...from grey to beautiful blue skies ☺️ treasure hunting together

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