I can't wait for you all to check out Battlepug You can still pre-order it, and I wrote a backup story that features art by , colors by , and lettered by Crank! Diamond order codes JUL190079 & JUL190080!

4 9

🚨Comic Shops🐾 order Sleepwalking by Lauren Monger 💎JUL192178

Follow Clementine and friends as they navigate the perils of ex-partner drama, too-loud house shows, and overwhelming ennui.

“grim and gritty, dirty and devious” -

4 25

Huge thanks to for being sweet to my mom while she preordered . shops FTW!

Haven't preordered yet? Call your LCS with the code JUL191409 for 's cover, JUL191410 for 's cover or JUL191411 for 's cover!

5 7

Looking for a reason to preorder GOING TO THE CHAPEL? has five! Be sure to read their write-up, and call your shop with the code JUL191409, JUL191410 or JUL191411 to order your copy today! https://t.co/d0ipMji1oN

5 6

It’s the day after and I’m WAY too exhausted to be funny, so I’ll just be direct — preorder my new book from your local shop today with the code JUL191409, JUL191410 or JUL191411!

3 5

Are you ready to commit to GOING TO THE CHAPEL writer talks all things with — listen to this and preorder Issue at your shop now with the code JUL191409, JUL191410 or JUL191411! https://t.co/66Ezgez4xH

3 7

"GOING TO THE CHAPEL is one part romcom, one part action heist, with a host of interesting characters, one-liners and twists along the way." Read ' with —and preorder Issue at your shop now with the code JUL191409! https://t.co/RbBcZ71MWP

3 9