I fought my way past the kpops and kardashians

“your name” fantasy gown
“your name” fantasy crown
“your name” fantasy weapon https://t.co/HdC8c3Uk15

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tim talking about the kardashians makes this even more canon https://t.co/l6ReVSU7Cq

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Under the name of “humanitarian aid” Kardashians raises money to provide Armenia with weapons and ammunition. Every $ you donate to Kim Kardashian kills a child in Azerbaijan!

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Kim Cardassian's attempt at breaking the database subspace relays!
I know... 6 years late pun...

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The beautiful ! Cici was an incredibly influential person in my early teenage years.

I remember her doing my makeup when I was 15 years old and her teaching me how to countour wayyyy before the Kardashians were a thing. I still think of her every time I do my makeup.

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x keeping up with the kardashians 2: atsumu’s selfie game

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What would Shakespeare make of Modern Culture? Ponder no more, have the answers! Politics to cities, Kardashians to Nicola Sturgeon, Tinder to Facebook (check our page!) A Shakespearean feast awaits! 📜🤣🤓📘

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Eu assistindo e amando Kardashians ao mesmo tempo querendo a redistribuição e taxação das grandes fortunas.

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So funny presentation about Kardashians and tumor rénal by Dr Fiona McLean

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I still can't get over how in The Reign of Supermen, they described Conner Kent, Superboy, as "What Superman would be like if he was raised by the Kardashians." And honestly it's so perfect. 😂

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when they gave the wings to the kardashians as a Halloween costume is when I knew

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So for some reason I was inspired by kim kardashians twitter to do some light shitposting. For some reason the whole thing made me think of this

also for anyone who doesn't get the reference:

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¿Cuánto cobran las por subir una foto a Instagram? ¿1.000$, 10.000$, 100.000$...? ¿Cuánto te parece razonable?


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Mañana vuelven las kardashians y siendo sincera, es lo que más ilusión me hace de mi vida ahora mismo.

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Black people uniting to defend Jordyn Woods against the Kkkardashians

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trends are often influenced by looks, but what happens when people stop wanting to look like the Good article in https://t.co/DfvAwhNwek

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