Interesting nephrectomy specimen with congenital nephrotic syndrome Type 1 (NPHS1 mutation). Mesangial hypercellularity, segmental sclerosis and frequent tubular microcysts.

28 73



3 14

60F developed urinary symptoms approx 6 years s/p radical nephrectomy; found to have uterine fibroids managed by total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

21 49

So funny presentation about Kardashians and tumor rénal by Dr Fiona McLean

8 19

Florid cystitis cystic et glandular with intestinal metaplasia. No dysplasia but formed a polypoid mass simulating a tumor.

50 96

50 yr old woman with renal mass. What considerations would you give? would you want additional history?

27 63

A case with lipoid variant histology in urothelial carcinoma and a case of pleomorphic liposarcoma...look very similar, can you tell which is which?

45 78

A classic seminoma to make the day from web pathology touch preps,HE and gross.

68 119