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#BJenet #B・ジェニー #Nagase #ナガセ
The Sexy Pirate and the Ninja Computer Geek.
I like their alternate colours.
- B. Jenet (normal costume F) made by @BerryGamnime
- Nagase (normal costume F) made by @Lukarbyesukabi
#LeonaHeidern #レオナ・ハイデルン
#LuiseMeyrink #ルイーゼ・マイリンク #SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIRA #KOFMIA #Sixfanarts
The Soldier and the Butterfly.
- Leona (Normal costume E) made by
- Luise Meyrink made by
Many thanks to the artists 😄
#LillyKane #リリィ・カーン #XiaoLon #シャオロン #SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIRA #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
The launderer and the assassin.
- Lilly Kane (alt. costume A) made by @siki_kuragari3
- Xiao Lon, made by @gabygirl_264
Thanks for watching and don't forget to support the artists.
#LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #CammyWhite #キャミィ・ホワイト #SNK #Capcom #KOF #StreetFighter #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA
Lien Neville wearing Cammy's outfits! 😍
These pictures were made by @manzanaringopai @wan56563 and @RBs_World
Many thanks to them.
Please support their work
#KOFMIAUM I want to play with those 3 beauties in SD they are very cool warriors ♥ ️
#ChaeLim #チェ・リム #채림 #NinonBeart #ニノン・ベアール #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
Tonight's pictures are...
- Chae Lim (alt. costume A) made by @letmedrawoppai
- Ninon Beart (normal costume F) made by @tamagokue
Many thanks to the artists! 😊
#MignonBeart #ミニョン・ベアール #Nagase #ナガセ #流星 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA
- Mignon Beart (alt. costume A) made by @PassingCamel
- Nagase made by @lauv_ralph
Two amazing (and pretty) KOF ladies who should return for future games.
Who is your favorite?
#LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #CammyWhite #キャミィ・ホワイト
#SNK #Capcom #KOF #StreetFighter #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA
The attractive Lien Neville wearing Cammy's clothes! 😍
The first picture was made by @rosanerakihana
The second picture was made by @Zudokato_Sama
#Angel #アンヘル #XiaoLon #シャオロン #笑龍 #SNK #KOF #KOFMIA #THEKINGOFFIGHTERS #SixFanarts
The sexy wrestler and the cute assassin.
I like KOF 😊
Who is your favorite?
- Angel made by @Desukirai
- Xiao Lon made by @Seoteltrut
Thanks for watching!
Have a nice weekend.
#ChaeLim #チェ・リム #채림 #蔡琳 #LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
My two favorites ladies in the Maximum Impact series ❤😊
- Chae Lim made by @neorene_lips
- Lien Neville made by @deu5_exx
Congratulations to the artists 👍
#MaiShiranui #不知火舞 #XiaoLon #シャオロン #笑龍 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
"Good" memories of Smash Ultimate 😅
- Mai Shiranui (alt. costume A) made by @DoodlesTula
- Xiao Lon made by @R_Nightshade
Note: That costume for Mai is from KOF Maximum Impact 2
#FiolinaGermi #フィオ #フィオリーナ・ジェルミ #LillyKane #リリィ・カーン
#SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #MetalSlug #メタルスラッグ #sixfanarts
- Fiolina 'Fio' Germi (main costume) made by @Kuribelle
- Lilly Kane (alt. costume A) made by @jmieldesigns
Many thanks to the artists.
#AlbaMeira #アルバ・メイラ #MoeHabana #葉花萌 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #KOFEX #KOFEX2
Today's pictures are:
- Alba Meira (from KOF Maximum Impact) made by @Fukahi_official
- Moe Habana (from KOF EX: Neo Blood) made by @energy_vector
Have a nice day 😊
#LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #YuriSakazaki #ユリ・サカザキ #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SNK #SixFanarts
- Lien Neville made by @Pantherxlt
- Yuri Sakazaki (alt. costume G) made by @h_ff_0811
Good memories when #Sixfanarts was popular 😊
Please support the artists.
#AlbaMeira #アルバ・メイラ #XiaoLon #シャオロン #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
The Maximum Impact series have great characters.
- Alba Meira made by @tombaconart
- Xiao Lon made by @DanteLionheart
Thank you very much to the artists, for their effort 👍🙂
#MignonBeart #ミニョン・ベアール #NinonBeart #ニノン・ベアール #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanartsChallenge
Today's fanarts are about a pair of magicians who are also sisters.
- Mignon Beart made by @KAROHUJIwtf
- Ninon Beart made by @cold_soy
Many thanks to the artists!
#KulaDiamond #Nagase #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanartsChallenge
Both girls are cute 😊
- Kula Diamond ❄ (alt. costume A)
- Nagase 🔥
Both pictures were made by @mirumeno
Please follow the artist.
Have a nice day everyone.