Drawing Klingons has something really therapeutic. Usually takes me forever but is a lot of fun. 🖖🏻

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For , who requested any member of Now I don't know where to find a member list or something, but I did find a picture of a Klingon shouting at a cake and I think that's great.

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The classic: "Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons"

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Wanted to draw some discovery klingons but their faces are too hard. Here's Phlox going on holiday instead.

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Auf die zweite Staffel müssen Fans ja noch bis Anfang 2019 warten – aber ein guter Zeitvertreib ist die große Klingonen-Roman-Trilogie Prey mit dem Coverartwork von Martin Frei

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Sketch batch! This time around, some QT, since I wanted to do something for 3.14 - some short ponderance on Star Trek alien redesigns, at least with Klingons and Jem’Hadar - then some random monsters - and some pose sketches.

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Drew more Klingons. This will undoubtedly spiral into the whole DS9 cast.

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