Made some steel-typing inspired color choices for the normal colors and took Larvitar's palette for the shiny colors... which works a bit too well for a Gen 2 shiny.

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246 - Larvitar
Type: Rock / Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand-veil

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Emotes for Vale and for the last raffle winner Olem.

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So with only a couple months away I'd like to ask everyone what is your favorite pokemon from every generation? Mine are
Gen 1: Dodrio
Gen 2: Larvitar
Gen 3: Crawdaunt
Gen 4: Froslass
Gen 5: Zoroark
Gen 6: Fennekin
Gen 7: Salazzle
Gen 8: Perrserker

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We do stan the war crime cat in this house.

This is a tough choice. I'm well aware of your all time favorite child Darkrai, but knowing you...
You're wicked smart, have huge creative drive, but you are also small, friend shaped, can and will bite people.


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246 - Larvitar
Type: Rock / Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand-veil

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246 - Larvitar
Type: Rock / Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand-veil

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Soooo it took me a minute to get this done thanks to the massacre that was last stream, but here we are! The new team (with one lone survivor from the last team...). Also Larvitar gonna be a pupitar but I wanted to level her on stream so she be dis for now. See ya'll next stream!

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Before I continue on, here is a team update!

Charmander, Nails (kakuna) and Radish (Hoppip) have all met an early end.

Barry (Larvitar), Strawberry (Venonat) and Sparky (Magnemite) will be my main team with the others serving as backup if I get wiped! (They may join later)

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Next for our page artist previews we have who has done a piece for the Larvitar line!

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246 - Larvitar
Type: Rock / Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand-veil

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more of me trying to paint/do lineless stuff
the wips still look cool?? larvitar is supposed to be using dark pulse in this

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I’m looking back of the trailer for the new Gen 9 Pokémon, and even though they’re still using the same 3D Pokémon Models like from X & Y, I did notice GF did update the quality for Pokémon like the scales on Serviper, Larvitar’s skin, Magaemite’s polish metal and Lucario’s fur.

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