Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, 1991. LucasArts.

14 186

Okay fans. Pin badge voting time! Which design would you like to see made first.
A) Ghost-Pirate LeChuck
B) Zombie-Pirate LeChuck

Answers in the replies plz!

12 35

I’m still in hype-mode so I’m sharing this still from one of my short films from a few years ago (

The bad guy is very much based on LeChuck, and the room itself is based on LeChuck’s torture room from Monkey2.

1 21

Since the announcement of a few weeks ago, I decided to play again and I just completed them (the Special Editions). (I ♥️ the music!)

I'm ready for the sequel!

0 3

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

30 586

If Peter Chan did bgs of and were converted in style: (Improving my quantizer/scaler now using for Ah IMHO I think the gghost has some Grim Fandango look, so.. might be Guybrush gets into a ghost to save the world from LeChuck?

0 2

Wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood, and the now zombie pirate LeChuck, return in Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge, available now on Amazon Prime Games.

37 413

With the news, here some LeChuck drawings I did last year.

11 65

Stoked about the announcement!
Here's a quick zombie LeChuck from MI2 (a character - and series - that the Pirates of the Caribbean movie owes a LOT TO)

4 50

like Pirates? like NFT´s? Let´s join
I asked for a of special one and it´s done!
Good roadmap / Free whitelist / Pending Mint
$Boot Token
---> Discord:

5 5

The 1904 - LeChuck Hook! Its been a while since a Devil Breaker came from the forge! Now this fiery hooked hand comes from the Demon Pirate LeChuck! Anything that you can wrap in that hook burns like heartburn after thousands of kegs of grog!

4 10

Playing around with the Sonic Adventure/2 art style. It's equal parts fun and frustrating.

5 21

Posiblemente, aparte de mi versión de Hellboy, mis diseños de personaje en pixel art favoritos son los que hice de Dredd, Robocop y Lechuck:

6 67

The Secret Of Monkey Island ($3.49) - a foundational point and click adventure. guybrush threepwood wants to be a mighty pirate, but he has two problems:

1. the dread ghost pirate lechuck.
2. guybrush is a huge doofus.


15 64

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, 1991. LucasArts.

4 61

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, 1991. LucasArts.

3 27

A vile spirit and incorrigible maniac, the Ghost Pirate LeChuck is a total jerk all the way. He consistently lusts after the lovely Elaine Marley, terrorizes the almost-brave Guybrush Threepwood, and dabbles way too often in dark voodoo.

1 13

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
Developed by LucasArts

15 49