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I GOT THEMMMM SSR!!! I was a bit worried cos my two boys are ssr this time round, but heyyyy is this the reward for not gachaing a lot due to not getting what I want? hahaha 2nd round of gacha and i can end it!

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Regarding to all question for Lucien -Water spirit and Gavin the Genie, It available for Kofi supporters. I hope you like it!

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Also maxed out my ssr as well as evolved the make me preggy ssr hahahaa I'm so freaking broke in gems. Paper really make me max out all my gems savings.

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it’s like I had a long harsh day, tired, needing someone to hold me tight, and here it is ta-da ‘Lizeyan’ :) sitting at beach side, him beside me, him stroking my hair, we cooing at each other. silent, quiet, just as the are only two of us.

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wanna take off lizeyan’s suit sobsobsob he looks so good

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I also happen to get the new year lzy in the one round 10 gacha spin sooo enjoy!

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forgot to update. Hahha i got 2 ssr lzy! And I didn't spend much. Also redeemed the sr

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