The Chinese server for has English subtitles for the promo video of the new event! I'm shocked!

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When cards that you didn't want to come come and those you want to come have to be kidnapped home. You hear that, lzy? Pls stop making me kidnap u home...

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This card came ytd morning when I was doing my reg single roll.... why... whyyy?? I have 2 luoluos and 1 baiqi to grow. and this passerby photographer came for me to feed??? TT____TT mrs xus, pls take him back!! i have no funds to feed this man!

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Forgot abt them. Can't wait to unlock luoluo but first I need to gotta unlock my yanyan fully. I got baiqi first so I ended up spending all my spare shards on him.

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I GOT THEMMMM SSR!!! I was a bit worried cos my two boys are ssr this time round, but heyyyy is this the reward for not gachaing a lot due to not getting what I want? hahaha 2nd round of gacha and i can end it!

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forgot to update. Hahha i got 2 ssr lzy! And I didn't spend much. Also redeemed the sr

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I'm a bit of an ocd so it annoys me that the game system doesn't guarantee 1 shard per draw and I ended up with lesser shard so I have to get one more 10 roll to get it... But I got baiqi ssr cos of it so I'm in conflict

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Cos you can obtain the other years' birthday cards, I've been spending more gems

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So i evolved the card and weee mc's lines this time is ❤️💕❤️💕

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Take this diary for example. It's seriously overly gorgeous.

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Ok last one in. He always comes so I wasn't going to exchange for him.

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came too! Weee! In the meantime, I have a lot of baiqi and Ling xiao...... 😑😑😑

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