Digital Avatar of a Tiefling with a baby Owlbear because we all need that.

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TONIGHT, returns to Thursdays at 9 PM EDT on the Discord channel (DM me or your favorite lovely for channel link)

Send the questions, send the topics, send the love! Might attempt to play a game, who knows!

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I should really do more album covers/tour posters with this concept. That and remaster these pics, especially the earlier one.

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(Get your private Discord link from your favorite or lovelies!)

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TONIGHT, 8:30 PM EDT resumes after a two-week hiatus on the Discord channel (DM me or your favorite lovely for channel link)

Send the questions, send the topics, send the love!

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Lovelies, meet Erik.

Online investor, book enthusiast and web designer. A young man who is desperately in love with the same woman since teenage. He mustered the courage to tell her once. To this day, he does not know if she didn't hear him or if she ignored him.

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Ok so this pic turns three years old today. Ouch.

The design has since changed and my technique has improved truckloads so... yeah I need to remaster this sooner than later.

Do I still got a Princess in my pocket, ?

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3 years ago already!?!?! became one of my first customers with this commission. That was a huge step in the right direction, style-wise! Thank you a hundred times, Petal 🌺😍🌺

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A deluxe character portrait commissioned me for earlier this year. Rather proud of this one 😎

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And here we are, the full party of adventurers created for with you fine lovelies!

More sketching and character designs in this style next Thursday!

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Oh this one I like especially. Very unconventional and yet it works well.

Yuan-Ti Warlock with a sort of... ancient world high tech automated device. Threading into the old ideas of Super Science meets Sorcery here.

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I like Forge clerics.

Tried a few dirt/smoke effects here. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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You've met Bathy Vincelli, Julian Ramboulieh, Dominique Meowel and Elizabird Neale...

Lovelies, witness Frog Nguyen!

Happy birthday Fred!

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Ok so this came out three years ago, few months prior to the opening of . You can see here the first design for Punchy in this style. Lineart by me, colors by my art partner at the time.

Note: You will see these characters again later this year.

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Little throwback here to tell y'all lovelies is doing SAGA for its entire current season. Next episode: April 19th! Follow for more deets!!

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About two years ago this marvelous product was unleashed upon the world. Dreaming knows some of us could use it on a regular basis (myself included)

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