Daisha, the shadow of her twin.

This campaign is getting down to the nitty gritty, we're stumbling through trials in RotFM... And discovering that a certain twin might have held secrets that could break a lifelong bond! Dammit Zorai!!!!

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Zsatier,Nobleman yuan-ti
(backup backup dnd character)

The only thing bigger than his body is his ego.
Learned magic to avoid touching poor

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An incredibly sparkly yuanti commission for my good friend .

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Orc barbarian. Wife of Yves, a smol yuan-ti bard menace of a man.

She deserved to finally be in proper color! I was afraid of ruining the od drawing

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A dnd oneshot character named Jatziri! She’s a rogue yuanti and uses disguises. She disguised herself as a drow to get with a drow noblewoman👹

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Today the party got new items ♥ I chose Cape of the Mountebank for my Death Cleric but it hurts me that is red because my ✨aesthethic✨

Plus, lots of Lore this past sessions ♥

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A Yuan-Ti Illriger, commission for Loki. I believe the class is Matthew Colville's homebrew if anyone is interested.


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ohhh!! my yuanti bard maiseline has gold/yellow <333

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A token I made for a new pc I played recently, this is Nathair Oshphim (he/him) yuanti pureblood/half orc mix and a Way of Soulknife Monk 🐍💚🖤💚

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Seguimos con Daen
Éste ha sido mi primer bardo y segundo personaje que creé en DnD
Todos sus compañeros son testigos de su piquito de platino y excentricidad, y del miedo que puede dar si tocas a su amada Yuanti, yendo a lomos de su Grifo Hadrian y con su Estoque/Violín Geigen

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Hoy en retocar 40 veces el mismo dibujo, Yormun veraniega. Aqui os dejo todas las versiones de retoques que la hice:
Ahora vs Antes

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Retocar 40 veces mis dibujos es mi pasion c,:
Ahora y antes. A yormun le retoque la cabeza y a blarliz el color, cuernitos y cabeza. Ademas de las luces.

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Otro dibujo de hace un año que me dio por retocar uwu aqui directamente le hice un vestido nuevecito a Yormun

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