Finished my Teclis over the weekend, happy with how he fits in with the army over all. There will be some amazing painted models produced for him I am sure the detail is increadible

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I keep liking the idea of converting and repainting some of my old High Elves to use as the basic (spears, bows, calv) Lumineth Units in my army.

The army is still going to be majority new kits, but I am curious if I can blend the old with the new in an acceptable way.

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「Lumineth Realm-lords」
・Scinari Cathallar

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so this is edit of my , which is 1000x better then my attempt to edit them the other day ... clearly i need to up my game !! lol

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First batch of Aelven portraits for SOUL BALL, the fantasy sport set in the mortal realms. Captains of the Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth Realm-Lords, and Idoneth Deepkin teams collide!

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Loving the Lumineth Lore and want to know more about who Teclis The Illuminator was before he came to The Mortal Realms?

Check out my blog post all about this great character!

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Great show tonight! We spoke about the upcoming Generals Handbook 2020 and the Lumineth Realm-Lords! Please have a listen, and thanks for being awesome!


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Managed to get my first test model finished this morning. The art of the book was what I was aiming for.
Pretty pumped for working on more.

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The second I saw the sculpt I knew what I had to do... The spirit of Aenarion the Defender!

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Tonight I’m getting together with some of the playtesting team to record a podcast about the Lumineth Realm-lords

What would you like to hear about?

Do you have any questions for my guests?

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Can all this Lumineth nonsense get out of the way so that we can await the return of the best (a)elves?

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Love this bit of artwork from the Lumineth battletome

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We talked Forge world, Chaos Dwarfs, & Lumineth Realm-Lords! Please have a listen and thanks for being awesome!


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As I have packed away all my proper hobby stuff I spent playing around with colours for the post-caronapocolypse army.

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Doing some rough tests for my Lumineth color scheme (in the style of bu using old High Elf models). Feeling good with everything except the red. Might shift it a bit more to purple.

Also need to play more with contrast to smooth it out.

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The delay in the Lumineth release means that I'm not able to paint what I want to painting, but I'm not letting that slow me down.
Decided to jump into Photoshop and test out some new color schemes. Here's where I've landed for now.

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I think i have found my color scheme for my Lumineth army.

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Some close ups of the Lumineth, look soooooo good! Stone guard pick hammers as alternative weapon build also confirmed.

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She has a name! Everyone say hello to the Scinari Cathaller!

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