Convincing Me to Nail Shut the Lid to My Own Disenfranchisement/Erasure Coffin

5 9

Definitely a Very Non-Partisan, Equal-Opportunity, Anti-Racism Critic by M. Rasheed

0 1

A Limited, Controlled Power Subject to Strict Organizational Oversight

5 8

[WHITES ONLY] "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest"

3 12

The Long-Awaited End of an Evil Era

4 21

Inappropriate Old Excitement in a New Era

2 4

The Uphill Battle of Fighting Corruption Wrapped in Glitz & Glamour

3 8

Weaponizing Civil Rights Against the Oppressed

3 4

Hateful Biased Subjectivity is the New Objectivity

4 4

The Undying American Dream of Slave Ownership

1 3

Layers of the Enemy's Anti-Unity Tactics

8 20