Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Fake Hero to Fake Save Us from Real Systemic Racism." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jan 2022. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <https://t.co/erXfc6Gqig>

4 9

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Black Silence is Black Death." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 14 Oct 2017. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <https://t.co/enS2YGDgyH>

0 1

Self-Serving, Short-Term, Partisan Strategy

1 2

The Most Comical Self-Delusion of the Modern Political Trends

7 11

Never Accept the First Offer in the Negotiation

10 20

A Specialized Service for a Very Specific Clientele

1 4

Deepest Thoughts of a Brainwashed Sheep

4 8

Time to Retire Your Obsolete 'Flat Blackness' Jokes

2 4

Under the Watchful and Approving Eye of U.S. AFRICOM

0 3

Black King Valkyrie™ & the Battle for Her Convictions

0 4

The Emperor's New Superior Genetic Status

2 8

When the Black Codes Hypocrisy Threatens the 'Decadent Veil' Smoke Screen

7 23

A Visual Representation of Black Americans 'Letting Go' & 'Moving On' From the Past

12 14

If You're Too Lazy and Cowardly to Do the Work to Beat 'em, then Join 'em (Red Team Edition... COLLECT 'EM ALL!)

7 16