Niatnya bikin akun [redacted] buat gambar [redacted] tapi bingung musti mulai darimana. Alhasil malah gambar yg uwu uwu

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A lazily drawn redraw of one of the frames of the new Amphibia ep (its almost midnight and i'm too tired to fix the hundred mistakes that I mustive made)
Also holy damn, that ending though??

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Here are some special prompts courtesy of two good friends, because they're awesome! ♥️

Shiny and rare as ever, is Day 27's MUstic from a few chats with

Following up a fearsome gal dropping her foe's mic, Day 28's Rapper MU by 🎤

22 65

i HAvE 500 $ETH DRoP yoUR nFt i'LL bUy aS MAnY As i CAn. MUstiN BeINg FOlLOw mE AnD rT aLL mY TWeeTs.

*proceeds to not buy a single piece of and grab all cheap followers*

It do be like that,

1 4

Jadi gua hari ini nonton bandori Roselia episode 1. Tho setelah nonton keinget gua musti check game yang gua tinggal terbengkalai. Ternyata gua punya banyak *4 yang untrained, gua inget ga sempet training atu2 gegara kurang tiket, jadi kudu nabung trs lupa 🤣🤣🤣

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AYOOOO TONTON YUK waktu itu gua susah nontonnya di app lain yang musti pake VPN. Haha

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Gurunya udah lieur duluan kyknya may, soalnya kemaren pas pelajaran mtk yg dinilai contohnya bukan soalnya ya Allah tekanan batin pisan.

Hari ini mah ngasih poto tgas apa aja abis itu udah kaga dijlasin musti ngapain, nyuruh kita nyari sendiri, lah dia mah enak digaji, lah kita?

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Someone said that my bunny character (Fuzzy Fluffy) looks like Musti and now I can't unseen it and even less when I find out there's other characters with a similar style

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Kyros, Garban, Yamuel, and Mustica trying their best to become a great adventurer

see their description on my ko-fi

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art powers are slowly coming back

Have a MUstic while you're having your Meowstic MUnday ;)

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Malcolm T. Liepke stdy~

musti berenti sebelum crash jadi ya gitu 🙂🙏🏼

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🤣🤣🤣 yawdah lah ni gijinkanya mbul.
napa dia musti duduk kyk gitu ya allah😭😭😭

2 7

Just imagine - if you found out - say that your doctor had lied to you, acted too slowly, gave the wrong advice and placed you and your family's lives at risk - whilst they were writing a book, holidaying in Mustique and finding ways of giving your money to their friends.

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At the 1900 Paris Exposition, an attraction called the Mareorama let guests step onto a rocking ship platform, with rolling, painted backgrounds and costumed actors. For an authentic ocean breeze, air blew through layers of seaweed, and tar gave the set a nautical mustiness.

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Yah jujur aga kurang puas sama hasilnya karena emang buru2 ngeberesinnya
Musti belajar lagi soal direct lighting

My style Original

6 11

destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89) was doing some "fishing" while shadowing the aircraft carrier Liaoning near 😀

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Виктор Аксель Вестерхольм (1860-1919)
"Вид на Мустио"
Victor Axel Westerholm
"View from Mustio"

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