Yessssss Queen! Use that platform!! 🔥🔥🔥

197 1293

Killing Americans is a sick and sadistic form of winning for and gop leaders!!!
Cartoon Of The Day

549 935

“The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you've just told them.”
Art by GraphicAssets

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Here is Lev Parnas confirming that Mike Pence knew exactly why his trip to Zelensky's inauguration was canceled and why Pence was going to Poland in place of Trump and was complicit in assisting with Trump's quid pro quo with Ukraine.

"Everybody was in the loop."

405 990

Checking my sketchbook from Oct. 10. Kind of seemed like he might be a big deal.

1 2

Some cool stuff about Summit, here's her original character design by and her facial/style inspiration is Rachel Maddow (credit to for that kickass reference too).

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Kind of a bit off the Zombie Art topic, but the more I hear Rachel Maddow speak, the more I think Jesse Eisenburg got his Lex Luthor character voice from her! Thoughts?

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Live look at Republicans passing the

110 189

Rachel Maddow is going to release Donald Trump's tax returns?

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