Seguimos con la tortura. El tema del día era "Fairy" o Hada así que me inspire un poco en Tinker Bell y de un antiguo diseño que tenía por allí. Y agregue un báculo para que se viera más como magic girl. Espero que les guste ♥

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I have like a fuck ton magical girl OCs that I don’t do shit with. Anyway...

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day 3 - Little red riding hood. Wanted to try a more shoujo styled outfit

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Tarde pero seguro. El tema de la lista era la Caperucita Roja y aquí está. Aunque luce más como una cosplayer que una chica mágica. Trabajaré en eso.

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Who knew that your minimum wage job at a cafe would enlist you in a magical coven. Day 3! I'm not used to drawing such big hair

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Day 2 : Fate and Day 3 : Gate
I forgot to post yesterday so this is for both.

Several issue has appeared. I have to think creatively in the short amount of time. And the quality isn't getting better. I will train again.

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Dia 1 del Magical March porque ayer se me olvidó
La palabra es ''Sword''

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Day 1! I will try to draw every day but some days will be simple sketches, some days will be fully colored pieces. But a thread! (Also a link to the original post for credit underneath this one)

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The Magical March 2021 starts NOW!!!
Day 1: Sword
At first I wanted to make a magical girl that look like a knight, but I cant draw armor so I choose the musketeer design ☺️

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