yeah I know it's not a thing but why not? MiLaLa in a maid outfit, showing her goods to her master~

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First and last 😌🌊 my very very first time drawing mermaid, i had so much fun and struggle drawing this one, but still ejoy the process~ *gambar bareng dr jauh bersama 🤣🤣

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Maid May, Day 21: Dragon🐉
Had to Dress Eva as a maid~ I mean how could I not?! >~< she looks so happy as a maid💚🖤💚🖤

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Maid-May, Day 20: Bug🐞
•Entome Vasilissa Zeta (Over Lord)

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🔥Serving up a spicy one!!!🔥
Maid-May, Day 19: Kitsune🦊

(Following on old design of an oc from my past, maybe I’ll draw her too🤔)

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Maid-May, Day 18:Dog🐶

She’s always happy to greet anyone, and is the # 1 maid in making everyone feel welcomed☺️

(Forgot to post it here, my bad😅)

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Maid May, Day 14: Alien👽
Excuse this maid’s delayed arrival, she just flew in from her light-year travel; to retrieve the most delicious ice cream of this universe!!! ✨🍨✨

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🤔Wait, I don’t remember ordering this, does anyone want some Omurice?🍽

Maid-May, Day 6, Yandere:
Toga Himiko

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Be on the look out for this croissant-stealer D:<
This maid just snatched my croissant QxQ...
Maid-May, Day 5, Little Sister: Nezuko Kamado

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Maid May, Day 4- Lolita~
Drew this cutie up myself >~<
So far I can’t think up a name for her, maybe y’all can help suggest some names? She’s very mellow & aloof💜🖤

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You’ve heard of MerMay, get ready for…


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Voted for unanimously I reveal to thee, Kyo Sohma🐱
( Yea he’s a butler, tried putting a dress on him, but he wouldn’t let me; so here’s our compromise😤)

Maid-May, Day 3. Tsundere.

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Yep, Umaruchan was my first choice when thinking of Moe, I mean look at her in her chibi form; and her hammies😫🐹🐹-SHO FREAKINH CUTE!!!!🤩
Maid May, Day 2: Moe✨🐹✨

(rt appreciated☺️)

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