I've always loved the style of Disney's

It's given me great pleasure to see one of my favourite poster artists take inspiration from this with his unique vision and intepretation for other superhero titles.

2 19

Everyone’s all Batman Batman Batman. We all know Superman is a million times cooler!

He’s just been lacking a really talented writer

10 71

Un 8,5/10 lo que le baja nota es el último acto, pero aún así amo esta película.

1 6

I sincerely hope we get a II (or Man of Tomorrow, or whatever) in the 10 year plan. Seeing fan concepts for Bizarro, Brainiac, Metallo (and more) demonstrates just how much treasure there is to mine.

2 11

Do you think these superhero teams go on like team building retreats and do trust exercises and stuff? More importantly, where on the human pyramid would Batman be, top or bottom?

6 10

Do y'all see the vision?

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