ハーレイ絡みでポイズン・アイビーを実写化するなら『Welcome to METROPOLIS』をベースにしてほしい。『Birds of Prey』の終わりが旅に出る感じだったから結構ピッタリな気がするんだけど。

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冬コミは新刊『夢幻都市 VIOLET METROPOLIS VOL.3B』を出します。
C103(12/31) 西く-11a/砂亭 B5/80ページ/700円 にて頒布予定です。

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ボカロP社畜大豆さんこと、Magnetiteさん()のボーマス新譜「Fake Metropolis」のアートワークを、無想りんねが担当しました☺️



10 21


ボカロP社畜大豆さんこと、Magnetiteさん()のボーマス新譜「Fake Metropolis」のアートワークを、無想りんねが担当しました☺️



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誰か1人でも攻略情報探している際の参考になりましたら幸いです https://t.co/LeJ0vsNR4e

0 16

えばん様の新譜「深月都詩 ~ Abyssal Abandoned Metropolis.」にてZUN絵風アルバムアートを描かせていただきました
宜しくお願いします🌙 https://t.co/nfZcBpsSYv

13 103

As a fan of Metropolis and Fritz Lang, i want this so bad. But is a plastic model kit... So close

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Anti-gravity Metropolis

AI格言: 心から笑えば、世界も笑顔で迎えてくれる。

12 71

Comet crashes into a large metropolis, highly detailed matte fantasy painting, stormy lighting, by ross tran, by artgerm, by lisa frank, by brom, by peter mohrbacher

0 1

You are cordially invited to my lecture
Mamluk Cairo. Or How A Foreign Military Caste Shaped the Premier Islamic Metropolis
Getty Research Institute
Ada Luise Huxtable (GRI) Lecture Hall and Zoom
Tuesday,  April 18, 2023
10:30 AM (PST)
For webinar link please DM me

21 142

Secret of Metropolis/Double Face


リクエスト貰ったのです( ˙꒳​˙ )

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🚩 15,000 $MitCoin have been minted!

2 ways to gain $MitCoin, simply 👇

1⃣ Stake your Quantum Force
Get NFTs: https://t.co/SLnjDXdKok
2⃣ Stake your Metropolis
Get NFTs: https://t.co/lA35V0QSMP

0 1

🤖🌐✨ In a futuristic digital metropolis, a large language model, diffusion network, and traditional APIs unite to create a transcendent wonderland where humans and AIs seamlessly collaborate, shaping the fabric of existence with a kaleidoscope of creativity. 🎨🎼

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1girl,vector Illustration,city pop,metropolis,80's

5 43

Adventures Of Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent) Cover Date May 2020 - Storylines/Events: Metropolis Doomed - Warlords

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One of the exciting things about Marilyn Moonlight is its looking like we’ll get a more history of Metropolis early days.

7 86

Character Bio ✨

Julio is a Forgotten character (scrapped by the Author) who is sworn to protect the Metropolis. At first, he’s hostile toward Quinn because he mistakes her for Cassandra. However, they grow closer as Quinn learns more of the Metropolis’ secrets.

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