This "Crazy Wanda" trope has really run it's course for me. I think she deserves a brighter future, at least in some version of the Marvel Universe.

9 70

The ladies of Would make for some awesome cosplay! I would do it myself, but I look terrible in spandex 😆

11 23

We've got an entire universe to show you!
Our character designs reflect the realistic style indicative of a AAA game of this type. We want players to have an immersive experience when interacting with the NPCs of

6 15

We love the MCU, the films and TV programs, but if the Marvel Universe Online Project ever gets picked up, I refuse to have it become a marketing platform for it. The Universe after the Global Civil War of is your world and no one else's to shape!

14 29

"I tire of petty wars by men and gods alike. A child was killed by a cursed machine wearing my face, it's creators will learn the difference between man and God!"

- Thor Odinson

8 12

"Anyone who wears the Spider will always be welcome at the Bugle!"

- Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man)
Owner of The Daily Bugle

12 23

"Many years ago, Mephistopheles took my mother. Today I have taken his son, tomorrow I will take his Hell!

- Victor von Doom

11 16

The only one missing is you!

Each representing a different training facility, the character concepts give you a sense of the design style we want for NPC and player characters!
(Art by )

11 14

We have nothing to sell but an idea, to support that idea cost nothing more than a like, RT, or follow. To support the artists that are bringing life to that idea, consider becoming a Patron or donate on Ko-fi.

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If you've ever dreamed of being a superhero, you're why we're here!

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Marvel fans, we are eating well these days!
(art by )
(art by )
(art by )
(art by Rodrigo Dos Santos)

15 23

When we asked you to imagine a game world like we made sure we had concepts to help express our vision. City of Marvels, World of Marvels, and Marvel Cosmos, we have an entire universe to bring to life! (Art by )

7 11

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of THOR!"

Many shall wield the power, past present, and in the future!
(Art by )

5 10

You don't know like Doom! Victor von Doom, founding member of the Cabal, ruler of Latveria, has now become a "Hell Lord" with mystic powers that rival those of the Sorcerer Supreme himself! (Doom by )

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