18: METAL.
Ugh... Ever since I got here I've just felt so tired and drained. I've tried practicing self care, upping regulons, eating differently... but I think I'm just gonna have to move on.

6 4

I see it...
I see it too!
It's true!
Well, I see it more than you.
How can you be sure?
I've got more eyes than you.
Have you?

4 2

day 15- bath salts often enhance the experience of being suspended in water. Bacteria also respond to salts present in the environment. Some swell up, grow fast or dart around. Each has a preference for type and concentration of salt in the medium.

13 32

Salt Some like is salty, like this red extremophil Salinibacter ruber. Found not so long ago in Spain, they prefer around 20% salt.

7 19

15: SALT.
Most folks can't take it here, but I've grown to love it. Sure it's super salty, but I still think it's pretty sweet.

5 5

Grabbed a few tinies from under my bed and yknow, they're kinda cute... I hope they don't mind the soft scenery they're on, well for now... I'm definitely gonna squish them

12 74

14. Community

When I think about community, similarly to , I do not only think about microbes.

I am so grateful to all the amazing persons I met via science, from my labmates to all the friends from the scicomm and sciart communities that I met online. https://t.co/dP1qGFW6yV

10 14

14 Community: understanding microbial communities through sequencing, effort is focused on bacteria and their functions. Viruses (inc phages), fungi, etc are overlooked, but are vitally important in shaping communities and functions

6 22

The endless possibilities, shapes, colours and sugars dazzled Foosi. Finally a place to call home! Foosi's excitement was quickly tinged with fear - what if I don't fit in?

4 6

microbe i like the little round organic like shapes i think maybe thats why hes fun to draw hmmmmm

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13: DNA.
DNA? I'm full of it baby! Come by my lysate any time, and I'll show you...

5 7

Ah. Um. Ahem. Excuse me. Sorry. I think - Umm - I actually prefer the term symbiont...

4 11

Day 11-small periodic lines on the wall made during childhood are indicators of growth. For bacteria this is done by protein complexes (density, bound or unbound, location). When these proteins misbehave we see long cells lacking division points

11 51

Growth “Hei Sister, we are all mothers of mothers of mothers…”

2 9

11: GROW.
HHNNNNNNNNN! I'm not flexing.
I just - HHNNNNNNNNNN - want to be - HHNNNNNNNNNN - a little bit - HNNNNNNNNNN - bigger than you.

2 7

Time Circadian rhythm in bacteria… yes! Sun and moon, a molecular clock makes a 24 h day in a Cyanobacteria.

7 19

Catching up for Transform and Sleep! Every mol biologist knows the pain of cloning.

MTb is an interesting bug in that it can remain latent in a lung and activate again later!

4 14

Stuck in a rut... Starting to feel a bit loopy... Send help.

6 7

Even though these days the world felt like it had gone to shit, Vaylo knew deep down that better days would come. They yawned and rolled over for a nap...

6 8