I just reached 1K subs on IG and almost 4K now on Tiktok 👁👄👁 thank you~~~ here’s a treat

13 181

Tried to make some dwarves (according to my own description of them. Yes, the claws are necessary.)

1 2

Next ninja hunk is the green ninja Lloyd Garmadon

19 123

I used Not to Draw humans but here is an example based on a muscle model Adam charlton, he already saw it on Instagram and he liked it XD

7 83

So-sorry buddy, but I need you to help me for a second ...💦....y-you can touch all you want

3 23

another random original character for future plan
Grabby grabby that man tiddies :9

10 47

My back hurts after doing this😭doing a summer themed boii cause It's freezing AF in my place and I miss the sun.

1 7


La vida continua y los recuerdos solo son tierras distantes que añoramos

Life goes on and memories are only *distant lands* we long for

4 17