If you haven't heard of Issake, I'm sorry. His work is like seeing a promo for a new anime. Each drawing is like looking into a new world waiting to be explored.

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Finally popping this open. Getting some DC action going. It's. Cool seeing this before we step into Future State.


Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV
Artist: Jim Cheung, Alex Maleev, Francis Manapul.

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Hey give us an origin story of Cruella Deville. That's all I want for Christmas oh and take care of your employees. That too. Thanks.

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This is insane!! I love all of this. The colors. The style and everything in between. This is so good. Check them out.

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I mean they've all been villains in one way or another. My question to you is, if one was to remain a villian. Who would you pick?

1 21

I'm new to Kiki's work but I'm already a die hard fan. I love the colors and the way I feel when I saw this work. It vibes with me and I want to see it more. Check it out.

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I can't get enough of Mel's work. It's fresh and touches so many different genres. From Afro-Futururism to Cartoony Fantasy. All of which is enjoyable and thought provoking. I love it.

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I'm literally infatuated with this art. Well, maybe not literally but this style is so wicked. I see no flaws or things that need to be changed. You can see that the artist put their whole self into these pieces. Just incredible.

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This "doesn't have a look" series is so good. Really gives you a look at people and not sterotypes in the lgbtq+ community. Check out this incredible work.

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That static shock hype is only going to grow. New movies. New comic. Milestone is the words in whispering to myself at night.

Artist • 🎶Super heroooo Static Shock🎶

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Beast boy is lost to the Bleed

Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Bruno Redondo

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I'm only on issue one but looks like they're hinting at that name already. CAPTAIN Marvel!!

Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Dale Eaglesham

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This dude is kidnapping bad guys and throwing them in prision. That he created. This will. Not. End well.

Writer: Adam Glass
Artist: Bernard Chang

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So Crush is Superman but with loveable addicts for parents. Good to know.

Writer: Adam Glass
Artist: Robson Rocha

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Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Man-Bat, Swamp Thing And Detective Chimp are going to break the world.

Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez

1 1

Zatanna and Wonder Woman look so incredibly awesome. I'm loving this run.

Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez

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