11th day: Dragon, Mini Nixy is happy with her egg....But is momma?

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Having another dizzy day. But on the bright side, Nixy's glued to my side and super cute

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Miz Nixy took a short break from judging you to say hello

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Looking through old cat pix, I was amused to see his long and ongoing battle for Nixy's attention

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Awww. The poor behbeh 😢 Here, have more Nixy

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Nixy is doing what is best described as "angrily sleeping."

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January Patreonsketch - TF Resolutions - Batch

- vowed to be less bullheaded
- promised not to be a nightowl
- swore of video games
nixy_neon - wanted to smile more!

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Nixy worries when I talk on the phone a lot because it usually means we're moving again. Not this time, behbeh!

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Dammit. Nixy wins again.

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Nixy is feeling fancy in her traveling jewelry

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Miss Nixy in Silent Judgement.

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Neopetsona commission for Nixy-Neon!

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Have some chibi merms for ! Turned out better than I could've anticipated!! Top: Nixy, left: Aliza, right: Evie.

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