prompt 16: OC with significant other

One real scrappy sketch before bed of my angel(??) characters from highschool, Misael and Tristat. Bed now ZZZ 😴

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prompt 15: work/chores

Pushing thru the art funk by busting out the tablet and drawing on the couch. My superhero character, Stella (the star), is a doctor by day. Here she is patching up another hero, Jen (willow).

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prompt 24: OC with inverse personality
oh no, he's hot...

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prompt 23: OC with thier best friend

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prompt 14: Childhood memories

It's story time with Seteth and Caoimhe. Caoimhe's helping.

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Day 18 of goes to Jesse a very attractive and charismatic non-binary cowboy, who is a vampire, aka my whole aesthetic ❤️❤️💕💕😭🥰😭😭 Jesse belongs to !! KAL I HOPE YOU LOVE YOUR BABE

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prompt 18: OC as a mythological creature/person
"put. me. DOWN."

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prompt 13: Hobbies/Talents/Skills

My inquisitor "Little Bird" Lavellan was a craftsperson for her clan before the events of DA:I, and continues to employ her trade when she's not being savaged by bears in the Hinterlands. 🐻

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prompt 17: OC as a superhero/supervillain - Quarantine/Villameth
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde vibes

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prompt 11: Funniest(?) OC

I don't know what humour is actually, but Apatosaurus Holmes and his sidekick Oviraptor Watson amuse me at least. This took me less time than some of my scrappy pieces, which is boggling to me.

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Day 16 of belongs to Rhëa! ’s long time OC who I find so beautiful and ethereal AAH ❤️❤️🥺 I hope you enjoy, Vicky!!

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prompt 10: OC you've never drawn before.

Another scrappy one. I have zero visual memory so i tend to draw all my guys to figure them out, but this guy is a minor antagonist in my elf story and oddly i don't think I've drawn them before now. 🤔

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