Some more duos! Charlie and James (BFF), Mick and Leila (current-but-not-lasting lovers) and Orla and James (also current-but-not-lasting(-for-now) lovers).

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Also, some duos of mine. To establish the hashtag section, haha! First, CharliexKieran (probably fave couple among my OCs) and Declan and Orla, my eccentric/dorky twins.

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122: Illustration design by James Oconnell via

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122: Illustration design by James Oconnell via

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Something's up with Jack by James Oconnell !!

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James Oconnell is an illustrator with a very unique style. Creating illustrations with a mixture of lines and colors

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Artist of the Day: ROSEMARY VALERO-OCONNELL 30 Days of creative inspiration!

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