Juego de estiracosternos: Morelladon sale de Magnamanus sale de e Iguanodon es ubicuo (o eso dice el PCA): "Diversity of large in the Lower of (Spain)" by Verdú et al. de la https://t.co/DPMr5iJvpk

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with 24 hour comic book day already passed but PCA&D's date on the horizon, I thought I'd share my first comic today made for the event. styling it more like a picture book I wanted to create an infographic about how sleep affects the body. (1/2)

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Today, all our votes count double, so each RT counts as two votes--and help signal boost for Team Levi and with 's beautiful artwork! https://t.co/Gf3yPbeuZX https://t.co/1RgjaVefOy https://t.co/1eU3MSflLi

14 10

『The Time of Your Life(君が人生の時)』。酒場を訪れる多様な人々の、夢も、見栄も、嘘さえも優しく受け止めるジョーという男。PCAの要請による諸々の変更のせいか原作戯曲よりもかなり喜劇色が濃くなっているようだけれど、これはこれで楽しくていいね☺️ 登場人物の個性というかアクが強すぎる🤣

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Hello! Tea Time has been officially registered for the ! We love our listeners very much & we hope you love us just as much! So on July 1st head to https://t.co/sgoIw3NBbJ to vote for us!

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The ocean rocks in the mountains never looked better than in this PCA of high-res SWIR from . Mantle rocks (turquoise, top), gabbros (pink centre) and dyke swarms (yellow-blue, bottom). Courtesy of the Digital Globe Foundation, now

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So next up on the campaign trail we have to talk about the epic 2018 PCA’s!!! Nominated for Best SYFY at first... then we wrote them in for a total of 5!!!!! After hours, days, weeks of voting- This Happened credit Megan

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Day 28 of Favorite award we won for Delena?

This is unpopular but my favorite is the second PCA we won. We voted so hard and won and it's when I met the most amazing people here and we had a great time voting and talking and they're still my friends ❤️

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This is the bedroom of my newborn cousin Ivy, and I was asked to design some wall stickers to decorate her room! I had such a lovely time designing these and it makes me so happy to see them in her room! 😍Huge thanks to PCA Print Lab for printing these!


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This week sees the publication of PCA North's excavations and building recording work at Alnwick Castle Gardens, first begun in 2000! The monograph, ‘Parterres Bright with Flowers’ A history of the walled gardens at Alnwick Castle is available now

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Missed the Secret Santa sign up deadline due to all the PCA voting? Good news, sign ups have been extended until tomorrow, October 21! Join the fun now & spread the word <3 https://t.co/CojKTGa1MS

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Accurascale launches PCA cement wagon for 'OO' - https://t.co/6G5M0CpGEl

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💫! manages to make PCA riveting…
"Evaluating Options for Amazon's HQ2 Using Stack Overflow Data"

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本日発売の jino アミノマッサージジェル。アミノ酸をジェルにたーっぷり閉じ込めた 塗るだけの マッサージ美容液。塗って軽くマッサージ して 1分で肌色がぱっと明るく整った印象。アルギニン リジン セリン などの
美肌アミノ酸にNMFのひとつPCA も。寒い日の朝こそ頼りになりそうなアイテム✨

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Very helpful maps of PCA density by state and by county, via

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A very Merry Christmas from us here at PCA! We wish you all the best during the festive period and look forward to working with you in 2017.

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