Desperate measures from Putin. Running out of homegrown draftee cannon fodder.

0 3

Hey! Did you come to buy toilet paper? Is that money enough?

Гей! Ви прийшли купити туалетний папір? Чи достатньо цих грошей?

0 1

🇺🇦 New Art for Ukraine 🌻
Lets fight shoulder by shoulder against Putin.
No one will be safe or free as long as Dictators still exist in this world.

100% profits from prints of【Support Ukraine Collection】on my website will b donated to Ukraine.

81 237

A cartoon for International Women’s Day showing a Ukrainian High Priestess (from the tarot) injecting some ❤️ into ol’ tyrannical features Putin.

11 31

Down with Putin. Glory to Ukraine! We need no fly zones to protect their people!

0 4

Hey! It seems that the black belt of judo was stripped. Would you like to bombard the World Judo Federation?

Привет! Похоже, черный пояс по дзюдо лишили. Хотели бы вы обстрелять Всемирную федерацию дзюдо?

0 3

Day 13 Highlight: Award winning cartoonist depicts in a picture how the war is going for Putin.

We believe will bring to through and all creative endeavors.

18 36

One of the big Kremlin right now appears 2b generating fear mongering around Putin's threat of using nuclear weapons. The intent is clear, 2 paralyze the west & into doing nothing that might provoke Putin. These are all examples of Putin apologists

113 171

Even the dove of peace thinks you're a little shit

9 16

Siempre he tenido la impresión de que los japoneses tienen una gran admiración por Vladimir Putin.

Me pregunto por qué será, considerando la historia de ambos países.🤔

12 147

Hey! I'll give you lunch. Expiration date is 2015, but don't worry. Your soldiers are eating the same thing.

Привет! Я дам тебе обед. Срок годности 2015, но не волнуйтесь. Ваши солдаты едят то же самое.

1 11

Hey! Do you have no money? Then everyone knows. Why not rethink your current business without overdoing it?

Привет! У тебя нет денег? Тогда все знают. Почему бы не переосмыслить свой текущий бизнес, не переусердствуя?

1 10

ちょっと一息ついて世界の人々の言葉に#耳 を傾けてみないか?

Hey, Putin. You may be busy, but why don't you take a bre...

0 6

Given recent events, I found myself replaying (2014) on Steam.

-A mission to eliminate a dictator.
-Setting has strong Russian influence.
-Villian's general has Russian accent.
-Final boss kinda looks like Putin.

2 10

A friendly reminder that the folks at Fox News love Vladimir Putin.

119 319

Jim Acosta:

“If we need to give someone a ride out of town, let’s give it to Vladimir Putin.”

161 835

as a european i am beyond horrified and terrified of the current war in ukraine at the hands of putin.
i’m opening my art commissions for the next couple of weeks to raise money.
i can do a chibi style for £5-£10 or a full colour piece for £20-£50. (more details below)

28 35