Then there are Chronos and Panie (Demon and Human), Seika's parents...

And more recent pairing, Bounty Hunter Raigyo aka. "Trench", and Galactic Patroller Sashi.

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[ NEW COMIC ] Shervin introduces Jago to his parents...well...he tried to, at least. :S

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⭐️ CTB-Chan Story part. 1 ⭐️

CTB-Chan est une jeune demoiselle qui depuis sa plus tendre enfance a toujours été mise de côté et n'a jamais réellement connu ses parents....

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À 28 ans, elle est lesbienne, vierge, mangaka (donc sans revenus fixes) et vit chez ses parents... Bref, elle ne coche aucune case de la "bonne Japonaise", ce qui la fait se détester. Elle livre en 500 pages un récit intime bouleversant ! À lire absolument ! ⚠️
(CW : dépression)

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While I get the OP memes point re: inflation... It's always felt pretty off for me as a lowly working class lad. My fam didn't have a pot to piss in, neither did their parents or their parents or their parents...

I still often confuse the smallest asset as complete decadence. -R

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They brought suo'er on a week wigh grandparents.... But 🐰's heat suddenly started on a way back

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It was a gift from my parents...! Should I show you an example of it in use?

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13. Any OCs that are parents?
Koray and Eliana are Malika's parents... but Kyo raised her, so I guess he's more of a parent than them 🤔
(Even though he's the reason they couldn't raise her)

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Happy international women's day!
Your day is every day, congratulations women! Don't matter your color, religion, ethnicity, you that is a good deserve respect, deserve success!

I lost my mother 2 weeks ago... don't waste time, love your mother, sister, female parents...

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RoRo and YaYa may be small but they can cause some seriously big damage! Only things they run harder than the dinosaurs, is their parents...

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She my half dragon fighter looking to murder the dragon who killed her adoptive parents... Plot twist - it was her dragon daddy.


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merrick & aurelie

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Gonna tell Genshin Players these two are Ayato's Parents...

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4 ways to make parental engagement better

Karen Dempster and Justin Robbins suggest ways of improving relations with parents...

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The reactions I've received from my vtuber Parents...

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Bon, c'était la première séance, donc forcément, la réflexion et le travail ne sont pas encore très poussés. Mais Gérard, si j'ai besoin d'une énième injonction au travail, je demande à mes parents... c'est gratuit pour la société au moins 💀

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He's a trans guy who's canonically gotten banned from every McDonald's for drop kicking a kid's transphobic parents...

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ah I didn't check the size of the acrylic stand I was buying... it's pretty big
I don't know how I'm going to hide it from my parents...

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This one either saw God, killed God, or watched God kill their parents... Either way, it will still your soul one way or another. Can't wait for the Dex entry lol

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Soutien pour toi, , pour les collègues, les parents... et aussi les élèves. 😘

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