Just finished this sketch,so I'm gonna post it before going to bed,since it's 4 AM here-
Basically in this mini comic baby Ven prefers his eldritch abomination dad,not his celestial version🙈

8 29

I had a sudden idea for a sketch-
Odon is an eldritch monster,but what would he have looked like if he were a creature from...let's say:heaven?+Alexa dreaming about being with both Odons at the same time because she would 😂✨

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A kobyverse drawing popped up on my tl and I was like "OH MY GOD I need to redesign that one little dude I made"

So one hour later

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In this period university left me tired as hell and moreover with an art block for quite some time,however I was finally able to sketch something and I must thank for the idea so...here is a random samurai Odon with his friends in Japan🤷🏻🙈

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I was suddenly in the mood to draw some of my ocs in human forms,so here are some random messy(like..very messy and not really detailed,tbh they kinda suck-)doodles🤷🏻🙈:

5 30

Just did an university exam some days ago and today I was finally able to draw something simple at least,so here are some random soft sketches of young papa Odon and child Ven✨:

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More fanart for ^^ I wanted to draw Odon with his eyes shown. Still a very cool character!

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Random silly doodles before going to bed,including:Koby,K9,Odon's Eye,Mobim,Azul,Demya and Domnra

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Here's the third sketch with Ven I told you about but didn't show yet 😂🙈!
Ven being an adorable bean in general and wearing part of his Papa's old armor✨(a bit big on him,but not too much since Odon is kinda skinny-)

3 15

I had this sudden idea that I just needed to sketch very quickly before risking of either forgetting it or falling asleep,that's why the drawings are messy,but-
Odon with different styles of different timelines in which they lived???😳

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It took me some time to finish this mini comic,because I suck at creating dialogues,but I finally sketched Ann and Odon interacting with each other(they're talking about how old Odon is)!They could be tea pals😌✨🍵

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'Odon' Gift/fanart for ! Your character is very cool! (Hope you don't mind me drawing him!)

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I didn't know which name to tag,so I chose both to be sure😂
Anyway here!hope it's okay🙈(also,I read about Ven's parents...Odon may not be the best,but they can try acting like an actual good parent figure,just saying-)

8 52

"People seem to forget the fact that Odon hasn't always been kind as he is now..."
Really rushed and ugly doodle about Odon's past+some hints about their powers and true form🤷🏻🙈this sketch is kinda random and idk why I did it,but anyway-

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Totally random but-
here's a human Odon in my actually usual style I guess+the floating eye creature as a bird and a more human design for Koby too(?)even if he probably wouldn't look like that but I tried🙈

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I guess Odon'd be good at their security guard job.Nothing escapes their"eyes",whether they're actions or https://t.co/ZNEmjI0vxV Koby's wet dream about Ann..is no longer a secret-
Ann+original Koby's wet dream idea

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Even I don't know why I drew this out of nowhere,I just saw the original meme and thought:"omg this is perfect for their dynamic"🤷🏻I still feel kinda sorry for Odon though😂😭🙈

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Another sketch/wip with these two because I love their dynamic✨which is basically:Odon trying to befriend Koby while Koby wouldn't hesitate to harm Odon-).Anyway,Odon's face isn't actually that,still what would Koby's reaction be to it?IDK🙈

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Here's the second sketch before going to bed🙈it's another silly scenario with Odon,this time about their"human"form:"How does their body look under their uniform?"Well, Koby didn't want to find out,but unfortunately he was there-

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