My latest illustration. Anqelique Figueroa portrait. Measuring, 13 x 18, 3ply watercolor board. Done with mixed media.

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A summer sniffle and foggy head has given me the opportunity to hide indoors and try and finish a long abandoned first portrait, accompanied by in the background. Such a lovely way to spend a day!

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This is my semifinal painting of .Really proud of what I achieved in a tough 4 hours. Good luck Tom, Duncan and Sara in the final. Excited about the semifinalists UK Tour at starting 18th April in London.

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stopped play. Had to down tools to get ready for the semi finals.

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Looking back over some quick paintings. Here’s one I did in preparation for a commission last year. Don’t miss the semifinals of 8pm tonight.

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here's my latest effort. Sorry to the judges if there's no narrative and the brush strokes aren't eastern European

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Phew! What a relief!! Thanks so much to everyone who watched and offered such wonderfully kind words of support for me on It was an absolute pleasure to paint ! Sorry I couldn't offer any further comic relief in the next stage of the comp! 🙈

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The countdown is on and the nausea is pretty much constant now 😬 Catch me at 8pm tomorrow evening on Portrait Artist of the Year!

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I'm giving myself a challenge of each week painting one of the sitters from portrait artist of the year which I watch it, for some practice. This one was Stephen Graham, 35 minutes.

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I had no idea a would be controversial in my submission to In retrospect it might not have been the best idea!

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I've just completed this portrait commission.
I'm concerned he looks a little cocky 😉

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I love watching and but it really makes me itch to go into an art competition and they dont do and animals are the only thing i draw 😂 There should be more painting programs on TV!

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Boris Thatcher
Charcoal on paper
140cm x 110cm

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