Another 4 Super PxlFangsters of mine. Damn, I like these Pxls 🔥

Loving to see the community sharing these all day 💜

11 54

Super PxlFang upgraded 👀
looking clean af

6 35

Couldn't help myself 😂


11 46


Because of the Super release today I would to congratulate !

Let me follow you all!

10 58

A big day for and !!!

Let's see those soon-to-be upgraded beautys!!

10 56

With Super PxlFangs coming out in a few hours, time to rock my PxlFangster that I plan on upgrading 👀

6 45


The first PxlFangster I'll be upgrading TOMORROW!

9 55

Reunited and it feels so good! Had to snag the matching Fangster to the PxlFang I picked up last week. LFG!

7 50

It finally happened!!!! I found my first, and likely forever, !!! Everything about this dude is dope AF. I love it all! PLUS he has an unclaimed that I'll be claiming later today.
can I get an AWOOOOO?!?!

14 103

Better hurry these PxlFangsters are going fast... 🚀Big announcements coming from so I'm snagging these Fangsters where I can! Following every FangGang who interacts! ❤️

13 67

Picked-up up another with an unclaimed PxlFang from the floor! His face telling everyone No Fs given.

9 47

So you've chosen ..

A Super Skull! 💀

Super PxlFangs coming soon 👀💜

23 102

I joined the by winning a pxlFang in a competition last month. Today, I purchased an actual Fangster and I'm ecstatic! I truly believe in them. Since I've joined, I've gotten whitelisted for so many projects through them, I'm growing with them, so proud.

23 150

It's already Wednesday?!
We hope you're attacking this week like a boss ...

16 110

Finally join the 👹 Thanks for the awesome intro! Check my baby out!
- ZoroFang
- Special Move: Oni Giri 鬼斬り
- $AWOO & Super PxlFangs (TBA!)

Like to meet the

11 92

Super pxls will arrive this month. I want to know what will be the first pxl that will be transformed into super pxl? Mine will be Pxl Kurt the devil.

7 63

Just claimed my Now my has a friend :)

12 137