Happy Two-sday (get it?😁) from a happy Salem! What are the things that are keeping you smiling this week?


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Who else loves a good treehouse?
Anyone have a treehouse? Or had one growing up? Dreaming of treehouses~


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Throwin’ it back again with more old Salem designs! How do you guys feel about this one?


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Wonder what Oliver and Petra have stumbled upon in the woods that’s got Petra looking so worried...
Any thoughts?


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Reading is always a good way to pass the time... what tales are you guys reading on this Tuesday?


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Petra & Freddie are excited to see what gift awaits once that balloon is popped!
What are your favorite gifts to receive in Animal Crossing?


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It’s a Saturday to be Sanitary!
Stay clean, stay safe out there & enjoy your Saturday any way you can!


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