ACE2 protein 25 amino acid sequence (human) compared to >400 to predict their vulnerability to
are in the LOW category (PNAS article pg 3). Bear species in study: Giant
Journal article:

2 3

Scientists have engineered the spike protein of the virus to be more environmentally stable and generate larger yields in the lab. The new design could accelerate the development of desperately needed vaccines and tests for

96 244

A detailed study of a protein, Nsp1, with a role in weakening the host anti-viral immune response shows that it interferes with production of immune-related proteins in the host. Targeting this interaction may be a therapeutic strategy.

138 292

Inflammaging. Why do the aged fare poorly with
by and Derek Gilroy

149 315

🆕 Scientists at have collaborated with artist on a detailed model of the virus particle, which causes using methods developed with

Read more➡️

17 39

販売中の格ゲー風パーツの見本に登場している「新型 殺成(しんがた ころな)」を販売開始しました。「死のイメージを入れたいけど重くしたくないな~🙄」という時などにご利用ください。只今SALE🈹中→

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Major update to our now featuring >2,200 molecular interactions involving proteins from / virus, and other members of the Coronaviridae family. Over 40 new publications added since our first release:

16 24