Smaugust 2020 Day 7:General
Although this isn't one of the better draw dragons and is kinda last minute it ended up being one of my favorites.#scalesofwar

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 9: Bomber
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Another noodle will join the ranks, not much else to say

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"A common house pet among children. Many enjoy igniting the wick-like plant on its back; causing the Shortfuse to 'sneeze', sending smelly glowing dust through the air. It greatly enjoys this prank."
- The Book of Dragonology Vol. 1

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I'm kinda late, but there are the first four Dragons for the

I'll probably uploading more than a Dragon per day so...yeah

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 8: Diver
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

This was fun to do, especially after playing BioShock a while back. Even if it’s pretty simplistic

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"They keep falling out of the sky! Someone, I beg of you, please secure a safe location for us to fish. We're running out of boats!"
- Excerpt from a disgruntled fisherman's public complaint

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Day 6: Spy
Even the smaller critter can't be trusted in these parts.

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 6: Spy
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Not much to say this time, just a simple design today

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Day 2 of Pilot!

It's dangerous work being a dragon rider. But there are risks you have to take for your country.

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Smaugust 2020 Day 3 : trench
I didn't really like how this one came out.

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 5: Tracker
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Having a second noodle never hurts anybody. Unless that second noodle is hunting you down

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 4: Navy
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

This one wasn’t as fun to do, but they can’t all be winners

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