Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 31: Victory
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

With that, Smaugust comes to a close. I’m honestly proud to finally finish one of these, and I await the next challenge

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 30: Defeat
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Alright lads, this is it. One more day to go!

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 29: Gas
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Got this one done early this time! No Distractions!!

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 28: Medic
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

I really need to stop getting distracted

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 27: Powder
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Oops, this ones a little late, but I still made it!

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 26: Bayonet
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

I didn’t want to draw another gun. So stabby stabby it is!

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 25: Mount
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Yes it’s odd to be a dragon riding a dragon, but when it’s a wild one like this? Then things change

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 24: Camera
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

I really need to try and push the designs so it’s not just a dragon holding the prompt

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 23: Sergeant
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

They just like to yell at people most of the time

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 22: Sniper
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Today has been a busy one, so sorry for the simple design

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 21: Recruit
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

He’s rootin, tootin and reportin for duty!

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