The modern art of love letters by the 4th lady of the "Edo-Reiwa" series from .

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Pour some Suga on me.... in the name of love! This tribute hits the spot.

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Meet , artist behind and other favorites. Dropping new on marketplace, coming soon.

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Enjoy the stylings of , coming soon to the Seabug marketplace. You've come a long way, baby!

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Quick practice painting or is it for my art collections though I created this in just a 20-30minutes only 🤔
- Hirai Momo

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Howdy, Seabug is thrilled to collaborate with on our V1 launch. Recognizable from , Richard's style is both realistic and whimsical, drawing influence from imaginative comic book stylings.

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Good afternoon and collectors. Seabug is proud to announce our collaboration with on our V1 launch. Hailing from the Philippines, the artist adds a pop-snazzy colorful flash to the chic portraits that form the focus of his work.

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SeaBug’s side of the art trade. Look at him!

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SeaBugs Irken oc. “There is no way someone can be that happy.”

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