While practicing lineless art I made myself a new profile picture. If I was any good at animating I’d have made one where he was slowly turning his head back to face you while the snark got ever larger.

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What if Tallest’s used insults that they didn’t understand?

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Even during the beginning stages of their tallest’s training they fought. Yellow will almost always... scratch that, always fail when fighting Blue.

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A tired, stressed and angry boi. “Proof” that I can do soft shading too.

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SeaBug’s side of the art trade. Look at him!

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Blue gets really grumpy in the cold while Yellow mellows out.

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I decided I should probably pull in Yellow’s design a bit as he was starting to slip from the show’s drawing style. (This will probably be the only time I will ever draw him like this tbh)

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Slapping the tallest Yellow is like pressing a self destruct button. You should only do it if you wish to die.

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Yellow in some casual clothes inspired by the greeneyedinvader ‘s Tallest Blue.

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I kinda feel bad for invader ‘s Tallest Blue. My Tallest Yellow isn’t the nicest guy around. And... he’s a little impulsive.

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The tallest Yellow just thinking over a strategy proposed by the brain.

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