A commission for Seraphon over at FA! Thank you for the support! :)
I'm still taking commissions, if anyone's interested

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A (very) shot of a Lamenters Space Marine while I order more Seraphon. 😊 Trying to capture the feel of this classic piece of Mark Gibbons art from Codex ‘Angels of Death’. Might need to raise the left arm a bit!

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Who should I be following for Seraphon inspiration? I’m already following 😃🦎🦎🦎🦎😃

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Commission for Seraphon of their character Melisandre! I wonder who she is running from?

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Before I get my Seraphon army I wanted to experiment with some colors before wasting any paint. :>

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So, early doors, what are your favourite lizards?

(1) Dracothian’s Tail?
(2) Fangs of Sotek?
(3) Koatl’s Claw?
(4) Thunder Lizard?

All my early lists have been Fangs of Sotek...

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las energías celestiales de Azyr se mezclan con la magia de los Reinos Mortales, estos Seraphon comienzan a ganar permanencia,convirtiéndose en criaturas salvajes, combinando habilidades del Starborne con la furia primigenia pura. Estos Seraphon son conocidos como los Coalesced.

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Los fusionados
No todas las flotas del templo Seraphon se han quedado en Azyr. Muchos han descendido para formar asentamientos permanentes en los Reinos Mortales, utilizando enormes motores Realmshaper para transformarlos en selvas inhóspitas y asfixiantes que recuerdan su hogar

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, mientras que las selvas tropicales proporcionan un hogar lejos del hogar para el Seraphon de sangre fría. Los serafones son, fundamentalmente, criaturas de carne y hueso, pero están impregnados de la magia de Azyr

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The new art for Seraphon is stunning! The dinos always had some killer art, but this is nailing it once again.

I was one of the fans of the Celestial Daemon angle, so the retcon isn't entirely my cup of tea. But it is what it is, now, to the future!


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Teeny Chibi Blinking and Wiggle for seraphon on Furaffinity

"Just Winging it!"

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We’ve had lots of new members join recently, including a chap called Jaime who has this rather cool Lizardman Bloodbowl Team he recently finished. Looking great!

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Progressing along with my Seraphon... rest assured the square bases are temporary.

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Champs Results Post. 1st Sam with SERAPHON! 2nd (back-to-back podiums) & 3rd Ben Allen. Players' Choice Well done & for an amazing 4 days of AoS!


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Two finished wing its for Seraphon on DA (fire) and LuneyToons (plant growth) on DA~

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🎃First batch of results from my Halloween YCH! It's still open, guys, check the original tweet in replies in case you wanna grab a slot~
Characters are, in order, 's October, 's Spook, Seraphon (FA)'s Mirabelle and fetishpunk (FA)'s Gina!🍬

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The great saurus oldblood on a carnosaur. Seraphon have always been one of my favorite fractions.

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